Welcome to Souljourn Studios...
Nestled amongst a tiny garden, at the edge of the forest, rests the Caravan of the Golden Souljourns. With an old copper roof and stained-glass windows all aglow, it's warmth invites us all to dream...
The Gypsy Caravan was originally built in 2001 as a joint Senior (B.F.A.) Project with fellow Artist Chris Deuss and myself, along with Engineer Chad Schwartz.
After the show, it was later moved to my families property were it became a loving dedication to my Romani Gypsy heritage and inspiration for Souljourn Studios.

For all inquiries, please e-mail: goldensouljourns@yahoo.com

The name of my Art Studio comes from the word Sojourn which is a word meaning journey. Therefore the word Soul-journ means a soul journey, and how I would describe my creative process.
As I have worked over the years as both a professional Artist and teacher, I have found two things to be true: Art is Voice and Making art is a Sacred process. When the these two truths are combined, a work of Art has the power to take our hearts and minds to a visceral place that only our soul can find.
So whether through the lens of my camera, the spin of my wheel or the stroke of my paintbrush, may every work of Art find its voice from the light that connects us all.